Monday, November 9, 2009

Characteristics of Creativity

Creativity is the way of producing original ideas into something else that is different from others.

No one is ignorant; everyone is creative. However, the level of creativity is difference from one person to another. Let’s see the characteristics of the creativity and check out to your own. There are four elements of creative people: (1) Intelligence, (2) Persistence, (3) Subject-matter schema, and (4) inventive thinking style. 

First feature of creativity is the level of intelligence. Creative people hold above-average intelligence in order to integrated information, analyze ideas and apply the ideas to the real situation. It’s a gift that people hold from birth.

Second element of creative people is persistence. The fact is, innovations derive more from trial and error than from intelligence and experience, and persistence drives creative people to continue developing and testing after others are given up. On the other hand, people who develop more creative products and services are those who develop more ideas that don’t work. Creative people don’t give up easily.

A third characteristic of creative people is that they hold sufficient knowledge and experience on the subject. Creativity experts explain that discovering new ideas requires knowledge of the fundamentals. When you have not any schema about one thing, you won’t be able to do anything. Experience is very importance. No matter how clever you are, you cannot do something smoothly without background knowledge.

However, experience is not the only one thing that has to focus much on. No one was born with experience. We can learn day by day.

The last characteristic of creative people is inventive thinking style. Creative types are divergent thinkers and risk takers. They are not bothered about making mistakes or working with ambiguous information. They take abroad view of problems, don’t like to abide by rules or status, and are unconcerned about social approval of their action. Don’t hesitate; do what you think it is right. When you fall, take it as an experience.

To be continued...